Every day reveals new sensations and perceptions that were still impossible yesterday. Even to people at advanced age this incessant update of the human mind can give strength and hope. This “escatology” might give meaning or sense to human life and consciousness, individually or collectively.
This has also to me been an incredible drive: a constantly evolving self-perception can be so strong that all daily distractions become meaningless. Mindscapes are not just randomly awakening from nothing, because there is always already something within the mind that perceives, that was open to the new appearence.
Therefore, a past opens into a becoming, a becoming is build on the past.
Indeed, new perceptions are all based on what came to the mind before. We are already open to what we newly face, or at least we primerly had to open ourselves to it, secondly we had to grasp the phenomena in itself, and finally, maybe finding even words for what happened. Our representation of the world becomes increasingly coherent. Seperated parts are assembled like in a large collage that lets appear an overall shape on a higher level of reading.