The shown cross-shaped CRUCI-fix modules are formed by 4 octahedrons that have been connected to each other by filling up the void between them in a cross-shaped manner. This shape allows then to stack them on top of each other in various ways like shown in the following video …
Several years earlier I did works about a spatial concept based on a 3-dimensional infinite alignement of octohedrons touching each other on all their 6 vertexes. It is a space where the solids and the voids exactly have the same volume, solids and their interstices are equally filling the space, so to say. This became some time later signifcant for the idea of the CRUCI-fix modules, that functions only because the voids inbetween the aligned octahedron are equal to the dimensions of the solids. The octahedron has 8 faces. Each is an equilateral triangle at each vertex meet four edges, like shown here.